The materialist world view is based on an incomplete understanding of science
Some analogies of the "flaws" created by the materialist worldview
it's like a character in a video game not knowing they are in a video game
a character in a video game getting frustrated when there are bad guys / obstacles on the way to their goal; even though this is purposely built as part of the game
A character in a video game using instruments from inside the game to gather information from inside the game world, and thinking this provides a complete understanding of the entire Universe (including the world outside the game) (see scientism)
Watching a news anchor on TV and believing that there is someone inside the TV actually speaking. Or believing that music coming out of a speaker is coming from a miniature band in the speaker itself - see television analogy of consciousness
Constantly doing things to prevent something that paradoxically makes it more likely to occur. Or we work harder to get something and it eludes us, only to find that we acquire it when stop trying to get it.